M2 MAB - Classroom Edition:
M2 MABPRO Advanced:
High Acuity Clinical Containment Program
Course Price - $60.00 Per Student
Class Detail -
- Length of Class is 4 hours
- Student must possess a valid M1 MAB Certification
- Length of Certification is 1 year (2 years for DSS-Care Providers)
- Four (4) Continuing Education Credits Provided (BRNs, DDS, and DSS Authorized CEU Vendor)
- OSHA, DSS, DDS, CMS, & Joint Commission Approved.
- M1 MAB WOrkplace Violence Prevention & De-escalation certificaiton is a prerequisite for M2 MAB Courses
Course Description -
This is a M2 Level Course.
M2 MAB Clinical Containments is a team based course that teaches responders how to support patients that are clearly demonstrateing and imminent danger to themselves and others. This course requires student partisipation in both dialog and didactic elements. Students are able to ask questions during the course and will practice team responce.
Management of Assaultive Behavior (MAB) is designed for individuals working within healthcare or care provider field. Attendees will receive their certification at the end of the course.This course focuses on devloping the strengths of the professional responder to help prevent and de-escalate potential violence in the workplace. MABPRO is proud to be the industry leader and creator of the MAB program and response concepts. When you seek MAB certification, seek the trademarked original MAB – Seek MABPRO!
Select below to Register:
Technical Requirements -
- Students must be physically able to practice and demonstrate M2 MAB Clinical Containment manuevers.
NOTE: Each student will be emailed a KEYCODE as well as easy to follow instructions in written & video formats.
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Most frequent questions and answers
MABPRO International has authorizied Training Centers throughout the United States! We would love to discuss with you about how to bring the MAB Authorization to your Training Business! To get started contact us at (888) 619 – 8880.
Yes! MABPRO Instructor Certification is divided into four (4) M Level. M1 & M2 are often taken to help large and small businesses maintain an in house instructor team. For more information click the following link – MABPRO/ Instructor Course Information
Yes! We not only offer training through our flexible MAB delivery options, we also have a full contingent of in-house MAB Instructors that train at our oftenly held regional MABCERT Training Events – or we can come to your facility. Just call us today for the details at (888) 619 -8880!
A large focus at MABPRO International is to bring the cost of instruction down so tht everyone can enjoy professional certification as they need. We do not charge for student materials. All handouts and student manuals are provided in for FREE in PDF form. For those attending MABPRO Campus classes student materials are provided in paper form.
We understnad the need to keep employee training costs low and quality high. It is for that reason we created the CERT+PRO program. CERT+PRO brings business 2 business savings to all industries and businessess of all sizes. You can find more information on our business 2 business savings at – MABPRO/ CERT+PRO Savings!